Saturday, October 21, 2017

Feliciano Bejar Ruiz

Happy Birthday Feliciano Bejar Ruiz!

Sculptor and painter Feliciano Bejar Ruiz was born in 1970, in rural Jiquilpan, near Lake Chapala. He came from a poor background and initially wanted to become a priest. Bejar was stricken with polio at age eight which affected his left leg and haunted him his whole life. He self-taught himself art and saved money to travel to New York City, but upon arrival thought it ugly! While in New York he met artists and began to sell his own work. After returning to Mexico, an exhibit of his paintings was arranged for New York. Bejar bicycled through Europe, studying and reproducing master artworks.

Although he started as a painter, he became best known for his sculptures, often using scrap and "found" objects and materials. He became fascinated with magiscopes...sculptures filtering light through various glass disks. These creations were meticulously constructed, sometimes taking several years to create, In fact at his death there were over 100 unfinished projects in his studio. He was reclusive toward the end of his life and withdrew from the art world. He was an environmentalist and focused on his ranch for a time but did return to art eventually.

After his death at age 86, Bejar's work was held by his longtime friend and companion, historian Martin Foley.

Below is a photo of his exhibit at The Museum of Light in Mexico City.

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