Born in Tlaxcala in 1922, Desiderio Hernandez Xochitiotzin was a muralist from a family involved in handcrafts. He traveled Europe and Mexico, finally returning to Tlaxcala to reside where he dedicated his life's work to chronicling the history of his state. Xochitiotzin was an artist of many talents including drawing, illustration, writing, architecture, historian and teacher.
He was considered one of the second generation muralists and the last to use the fresco technique for his large scale murals. The last of the grand scale murals of Mexico is attributed to him: La Historia de Tlaxcala y su Contribucion lo Mexicano (The History of Tlaxcala and its Contribution to Mexico Identity) depicting the history of his state, and is quite famous and popular. (seen below) Unfortunately he was unable to complete it before his death. It was his wish that his son would finish it, but alas, that wish was never granted. The mural is unfinished and in some disrepair today.
fresco: technique for painting murals using paint mixed into the wet plaster so when applied it actually becomes part of the wall.
By Wolfgang Sauber - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,